Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Missed by a whisker :P

I was thinking of posting the following, originally:

"Death, though blamed as merciless, is balmy enough because it leaves no choice except dying. But life, though regarded as more clement as it gives too many options to overcome a situation. The freedom of choice is the biggest burden that life ever imposes."

And then, I happened to read an essay in Telugu on Jean Paul Sartre by Nandoori Rammohan, which finally ended my quest for understanding the philosophy of Existentialism. Reading it, I've realized that my mind works as hard core existentialist these days, without having read much stuff about it. I was also misled by enough people that Existentialism means pessimism in one or the other ways. But, from what I've read in the article and what I've been thinking hard these days, actually doesn't have much pessimism except accepting reality.

Well, it was a mixed feeling. To know that I've been thinking in the lines similar to one of the greatest philosophers on earth. At the same time, there's also feeling '0h-i-missed-it-by-whisker' - he was born a li'l too early than me. Otherwise and all, you see.. :P

Books can shed light on many a things about life. But nothing teaches life, like life itself. Don't google for the definitions or philosophies of existentialism, life will let you know that at some point or other. Also, knowing what is what isn't the deal. Sustaining them and moving ahead is!

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