Sunday, May 17, 2009

All you guys out there.. time for rehearsal

Hey...  you guys and gals out there,  screwed up by life?

Watch Deccan Chargers in action, and that would give a perfect rehearsal for the ebbs and tides of life. I mean it.

Its "wow" a moment, and "alas" the other. If you want to rock at the swinging business between the both, then they are a must watch!

McCullum... My heart goes out for you, dude! Better times await you.

Sure, I had the last laugh today, but in less than 12 hours it can be a whole different story. Wishing the deccan's all the very best.

Updated on 17th May: Hehehhe.. they can teach you how to create "mess" out of nothing! Sure, none of us would be keen to learn that! 

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