Monday, August 10, 2009

Sick - Sicker - Sickest

I've been sick over the past one week. The sickness during the early part of the week was understandable with the help of words like, "headache", "feverish" and the likes. It isn't the physical weakness that's actually putting me down. There's more to what I feel, as I feel now. I wish these were measurable too.. on any scale. To let know everybody how terrible it is when you get to know that someone whom you respect most ends up being the jerk you hate to the core. To yell at the top of the voice when you're accompanied by a creature who doesn't have the decency not to force things out of people. To tell people that when our social interests don't match, it doesn't mean one of us is unsocial or less civilized.

Any physical ailment is tolerable compared to the pains given by few and their attitudes. More so, when its my kind of people at the receiving end, people who suffer from "i-let-them-cause-me-pain", "my-choice,my-mistake" syndromes.

I don't know when I would realize that few happen to us, be it our choice or not! There has to be a way to deal with such.


మోహన said...

>>few happen to us, be it our choice or not!
What a sick Truth!! :)

Baby, we are on the same boat!

Kathi Mahesh Kumar said...

Some times you might make regrettable choices.But, when they are about people you let in to life, it pains the most. Thats life and there is a lesson for you to learn.

Aren't you wiser now! Thats the gain.